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Saturday, May 14, 2016

AdWords Editor update: Frequency caps, review extensions, display app install campaigns


The latest update of AdWords Editor includes new capabilities for app marketers and a couple of goodies for everyone else.
Display app install campaigns are now available in Editor. You can create and edit a mobile app install campaign for Display from Editor.
adwords editor display app install campaigns

App extensions are now available from the Shared Library in Editor and can be added and linked to text ads. App extensions can link to apps available in Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Review extensions — quotes or paraphrases of reviews from well-regarded organizations — are also available in the Shared Library in the latest Editor version.
And finally, Frequency capping is now a setting option for Display and Video campaigns in Editor. No more setting up a Display campaign in Editor and having to remember to go back into the UI to update this key setting. The Frequency capping setting is located under the setting for Enhanced CPC in the Campaign settings section. Clicking on “Edit” will bring up a window to enter impression caps for either campaign type. Display impression caps can be set at the campaign, ad group or ad level. Note that you may have to drag to expand this window to see all the options.
frequency caps in adwords editor
frequency caps in adwords editor

Source: http://searchengineland.com/adwords-editor-update-frequency-capping-display-app-install-campaigns-248733

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