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Saturday, May 7, 2016

What is Data Highlighter?

Data Highlighter is a webmaster tool for teaching Google about the pattern of structured data on your website. You simply use Data Highlighter to tag the data fields on your site with a mouse. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products such as the Google Knowledge Graph.

For example, if your site contains event listings you can use Data Highlighter to tag data (name, location, date, and so on) for the events on your site. The next time Google crawls your site, the event data will be available for rich snippets on search results pages: 

Rich snippet for a page with multiple events.

Note that Data Highlighter can only access pages that have been crawled by Google recently. If Google hasn't crawled or can't crawl some of your pages, such as pages behind sign-in forms, you can't use Data Highlighter for those pages.

Supported data types

You can use Data Highlighter to teach Google about the following types of data on your site:
·         Articles
·         Events
·         Local Businesses
·         Restaurants
·         Products
·         Software Applications
·         Movies
·         TV Episodes
·         Books

Organizing pages into page sets

To tell Data Highlighter which of the pages on your site contain data, you create one or more page sets. A page set is a collection of pages on a site that display data consistently (possibly generated from the same template) and are organized so that URLs follow a simple pattern. Data Highlighter will only teach Google about pages that are in a page set.
Data Highlighter doesn't teach Google about pages that already contain HTML markup specifying the data structure. You can still use Data Highlighter if some of the pages on a site already contain HTML markup, but Data Highlighter will teach Google only about the pages without the markup.
If your site organizes data in different ways (such as using different templates for music and speaking events), you can create a page set for each organization.
For example, consider a site that contains information about music and speaking events in the following pages:
1.     www.example.com/events/music/pop/pop-music.html
2.     www.example.com/events/music/classical/classical-music.html
3.     www.example.com/events-speaking/europe/europe-reviews.html
4.     www.example.com/events-speaking/asia/asia-reviews.html
Pages one and two could be in one page set because they both describe music events and their URLs follow a simple pattern: www.example.com/events/music/*/* (where each * is a wildcard for a single URL component).
Likewise, pages three and four could be in another page set because they both describe speaking events and their URLs follow a simple pattern: www.example.com/events-speaking/*/*

Detecting changes in a page set

Each time Google crawls pages on your site, Data Highlighter extracts data and makes the data available for rich snippets. If you make significant changes to the way your pages display information or to the site's URLs, you should delete the original page sets and teach Data Highlighter about the new structure of your site. 

(1) Data Highlighter: Articles

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data in a newspaper or magazine article, such as its title, author, and ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Article tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Article schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.

The title of the article.
An author of the article. You can tag more than one author name if the article has multiple authors.
Date Published
The date the article was published. For details on how to tag dates, seeTagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.

·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).

·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:

·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.

·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time

·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.

·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.

·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:

·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013

·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012

Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:

·         June 4-5 and 2012
An image from the article. For example, you can tag an image that appears in the article. You can tag more than one image.
A section of the newspaper or magazine in which the article is published. For example, Lifestyle or Sports. You can tag more than one category.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)The overall rating of the article, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

(2) Data Highlighter: Book Reviews

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about a book, such as its title, author, reviews, and reader ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Book tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Book schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
The title of the book.
An image that illustrates the book. You can tag more than one image.
A author of the book. You can tag more than one author.
Date Published
A date that the book was published. You can tag more than one publication date. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.

·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:

·         June 4-5 and 2012
In language
(In language)
The language of the content. please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
The ISBN of the book.
The publisher of the book.
A genre for the book.  You can tag more than one genre.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)
The overall rating of the book, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the book. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
·         Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month.
·         For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.

·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm.
·         For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:

·         June 4-5 and 2012

(3) Data Highlighter: Events

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about events, such as a concert or an art festival. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products such as the Google Knowledge Graph.

For example, for pages that describe a single event, Google search results can display a rich snippet like this:

Rich snippet for a page with only one event.

For pages that contain information about multiple events, Google search results can display a rich snippet like this:

Rich snippet for a page with multiple events.

The Google Knowledge Graph can display your data like this: 

Data Highlighter data in the Google knowledge graph.

Usage guidelines

After Google crawls your page set, each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data. For example, Google search results will display as rich snippets only for events that are in the future and that appear to be legitimate events.
Examples of event names that Google considers to be valid:
  • East Bay Symphony Concert
  • Music Festival Northwest
Invalid event names:
  • Trip package: San Diego/LA, 7 nights (Don't use Data Highlighter to promote non-event products or services.)
  • Music festival - only $10! (Instead, tag ticket prices using the Ticket property.)
  • Sale on dresses! (Non-event information)
  • Concert - buy your tickets now! (Promotion)
  • Concert - 50% off until Saturday! (Promotion)
If rich snippets aren't appearing after Google has crawled your site, see possible reasons why.

Event tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Event schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
The name of the event.
The date, date and time, or date range of the event. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012
Location (place)The location of the event, specified as two separate sub-properties:
Venue (name)The name of the venue.
Address (PostalAddress)The address of the location at which the event occurs.
An image describing the event. You can tag more than one image.
Official URL (url)The URL to a web site that describes the event. You can tag more than one URL.
If you tag an event name that also happens to be a hypertext link, Data Highlighter automatically uses the link's URL for the event. For example, if you tag an event name that looks something like this in raw HTML: <a href="http://example.com/eventName">My Event Name</a>, then Data Highlighter uses "http://example.com/eventName" as the event URL. Note that:
  • Data Highlighter automatically uses the URL only if the URL points to a page in your page set.
  • The URL will not display in the My Data Items column. You can confirm that the URL was added by viewing the structured data page.
  • If you explicitly tag a different URL for the event, Data Highlighter will use the URL that you tag.
The category of the event. You can tag more than one category.
A performer in the event. You can tag more than one performer.
Ticket (offer)Information about the price of the event, specified as two separate sub-properties:
type (name)A description of the price information (such as "Adults" or "Children").
priceThe price of the event.
You can tag more than one price description.

(4) Data Highlighter: Local Businesses

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about your business, such as its name, address, customer reviews, and ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Local business tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/LocalBusiness schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.

The name of the business.
The physical address of the local business. For example,
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Moutainview, CA
The business's telephone number.
Opening Hours
The hours that the business is open. Highlight the entire block of opening hours information as a single tag. If the block starts with a text label, don't include the label. For example:
Retail Hours (don't highlight the label)
Mon-Fri 7:00am - 9:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sun Closed
The type of business. For example Hardware or Clothing. You can tag more than one category.
An image of the local business. For example, you can tag an image of the storefront or sign. You can tag more than one image.
The URL of the business's web site.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)
The overall rating of the business, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the business. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
·         Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
·         June 4-5 and 2012

(5) Data Highlighter: Movies

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about a movie, such as its title, director, reviews, and viewer ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Movie tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Movie schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
The title of the movie.
An image that illustrates the movie. For example, you can tag a snaphot from the movie or a photo of an actor. You can tag more than one image.
A director of the movie. You can tag more than one director.
Screenplay By
A writer of the movie's screenplay. You can tag more than one writer.
An actor in the movie. You can tag more than one actor.
Date Released
A date that the movie was released. You can tag more than one release date. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
·         June 4-5 and 2012
A genre for the movie. For example, Comedy or Drama. You can tag more than one genre.
MPAA Rating
The content rating from a rating authority. For example, G or R.
The length of the movie.
Official URL
The URL of the movie's web site.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)
The overall rating of the movie, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the movie. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
·         Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
·         June 4-5 and 2012

(6) Data Highlighter: Products

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about a product, such its description and price. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)
For example, Google can display rich snippets for products on a Google search results page:

image of a Google rich snippet for a page listing a single product

Tagging guidelines

The following guidelines apply to tagging products:
·         The main topic of a page should be about a specific product. Google does not display rich snippets for listing pages.

·         The product should be available for purchase directly on the page. Google does not display rich snippets for support product pages that require a user to visit separate seller's site or contact a seller offline to complete a purchase.

·         Google does not display rich snippets for adult-related products.

·         If the product has been reviewed by a single reviewer, the reviewer’s name needs to be a valid name for a Person (e.g. "James Smith") or Team/Organization (e.g. "CNET Reviewers"). For example, "50% off on Black Friday" is not a valid name. For guidelines on tagging reviews and ratings, see Tagging reviews and ratings.
If rich snippets aren't appearing after Google has crawled your site, see possible reasons why.

Product tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Product schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
The name of the product.
An image of product. You can tag more than one image.
An offer to sell the product, specified by any of the following tags:
The price of the product. You can include the currency symbol, and you can use either a decimal point ('.') or a comma (',') as a separator. For example,
$10.00 or €10,00
The availability of the product, such as "Out of stock," or "In-store only."
The condition of the item, such as "new," or "used."
Product ID
A product identifier. You can tag more than one product identifier.  Data Highlighter recognizes any of the following types of identifiers:
·         asin
·         ean
·         isbn
·         jan
·         mpn
·         sku
·         upc
Average Rating (aggregateRating)
The average rating that viewers have given the product, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the product. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
·         Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
·         Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
·         Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
·         Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
·         A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012
·         4 June 2012
·         6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
·         A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012 
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
·         Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
·         June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
·         June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
·         June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
·         June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
·         Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
·         Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
·         June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
·         June 4-5 and 2012

(7) Data Highlighter: Restaurants

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about a restaurant, such as its name, address, reviews, and ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Restaurant tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/Restaurant schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
The name of the restaurant.
The physical address of the restaurant. For example,
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Moutainview, CA
A telephone number for the restaurant. You can tag more than one telephone number.
Opening Hours
The hours that the restaurant is open. Highlight the entire block of opening hours information as a single tag. If the block starts with a text label, don't include the label. For example:
Retail Hours (don't highlight the label)
Mon-Fri 7:00am - 9:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sun Closed
The type of cuisine served at the restaurant. For example, Ethiopian orMexican. You can tag more than one type of cuisine.
An image of the restaurant. For example, you can tag an image of the restaurant's interior. You can tag more than one image.
The URL of the restaurant's web site.
Reservation URL
The URL of the restaurant's online menu.
Menu URL
A URL of a menu for the restaurant. You can tag more than one menu URL.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)The overall rating of the restaurant, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the restaurant. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
  • Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012

(8) Data Highlighter: Software Applications

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data from a description of a software application, such as its name, publisher, reviews, and user ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

Software application tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/SoftwareApplication schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it. 
The name of the software application.
An image that illustrates the application. For example, you can tag an image that appears on the application's web site. You can tag more than one image. Note that you can use the Screenshot tag specifically for screenshots of the application.
The type of application. For example, Game or Productivity. You can tag more than one category.
A company that released the application. You can tag more than one publisher.
Official URL
The URL of the application's web page.
Download URL
The URL for downloading the application.
Operating System
The name of an operating system that the application can run on. You can tag more than one operating systems if applicable.
Date Published
The date the application was released. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012
Software Version
The number or name describing the version of the software application.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)The overall rating of the application, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the application. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
  • Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012

(9) Data Highlighter: TV Episodes

You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about a television episode, such as its title, director, reviews, and viewer ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)

TV episode tags

You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema.org/TVEpisode schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the schema.org property in parentheses.  Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.org schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (Alert Icon) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
Series Name
The name of the series. For example, 30 Rock.
Episode Name
The name of the episode. For example, The Rural Juror.
Season Number
The number of the season. For example, Season 1.
Episode Number
The number of the episode. For example, Episode 10.
An image that illustrates the episode. For example, you can tag a snaphot from the episode or a photo of an actor. You can tag more than one image.
The episode's director.
An actor in the episode. You can tag more than one actor.
Air Date
The date that the episode was originally broadcast. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012
Official URL
The URL for a web page that describes the episode.
Average Rating (aggregateRating)The overall rating of the episode, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating. 
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
The total number of ratings.

A review of the episode. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
The person or organization that wrote the review.
Review text
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type.
Review Rating
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
  • Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10. 
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
  • Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
  • Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
  • Votes (ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
  • A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012
    • 4 June 2012
    • 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
    You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
  • A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
    Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
  • Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
    • June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
    • June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
    • June 4, 2012 3pm EST or  June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
    • June 4, 2012 2-3pm or  June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
  • Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
    • Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
    • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
    Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags:
    • June 4-5 and 2012

Source: https://support.google.com/webmasters/topic/2774098?hl=en&ref_topic=2692946

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